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Pinecone, LangChain, BeautifulSoup4

Vector Database



Llama 2 13B Chat

Date Published

Jan 11, 2024

Last Updated

Jan 12, 2024


Bassem Yacoube

Back to demos & webinars



Pinecone, LangChain, BeautifulSoup4

Vector Database



Llama 2 13B Chat

Date Published

Jan 11, 2024

Last Updated

Jan 12, 2024


Bassem Yacoube

The DocTalk demo is a RAG Python app using several libraries: pinecone, langchain, and beautifulsoup4 to build a chat app that can search, summarize, and answer questions from two documentation data sources. It shows how to perform document processing, embedding generation, and conversational retrieval using OctoAI LLM and Embeddings models and Pinecone as a Vector database. You can run as both a CLI app and as an AWS Lambda function.

Try the Demo


  1. Install Python along with the app dependencies on your system

    1. Install using these packages using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Setup a .env file in the root of the project with necessary environment variables, and you will need:

  3. The playwrite module is required for the LangChain document loader

    1. Initialize before first use with the following command: python3 -m playwright install

Environment variables

Make sure you have the .env file in the project's app directory, following this template:


Replace the placeholder values with your actual API keys and endpoints. Do remember to update the PINECONE_ENV variable if you are using an existing Pinecone environment.

Running the app

As a command-line interface (CLI)

To run using CLI, execute the main script: python

You will be prompted to enter the data source and your query. After providing the needed inputs, the application will process the request and display the output. Note: The first time you run the application it takes a bit (several minutes) to populate the pinecone index for the first time. Afterward it should be faster.

As an AWS Lambda function

Package the app with all needed dependencies and upload to AWS Lambda. Set the handler function as main.handler.

Deploying the app to as a container image

Using AWS SAM CLI and Docker

To deploy the Python app to AWS Lambda using a container image, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the Dockerfile: make sure it is setup correclty to build a container image for AWS Lambda.

    1. Specify the base image

    2. Copy your app code into the container

    3. Install any dependencies

    4. Set the entry point for your Lambda function

  2. Build the container image by using the AWS SAM CLI with the command (generally): sam build --use-container

  3. Test locally (optional, but advised) to see if the Lambda function is working using SAM: sam local invoke

Deploy to AWS Lambda

To deploy to AWS Lambda follow these steps:

  1. Upload the container image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

    1. You can use Docker CLI to do this

  2. Use AWS SAM CLI to deploy the app

    1. Package the app and deploy using a SAM template

      1. sam package --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket
      2. sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  3. Configure Lambda and API Gateway

    1. Do this in the AWS Management Console

    2. Increase the function timeout to 15 minutes

    3. Scale up resource specs — increase the Memory to 2048 MB

Add configuration variables:

Create API Gateway

You can follow the steps in the AWS API Gateway docs, or use the python script at to create an API gateway for the Lambda function that allows calls over HTTPS.


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