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HomeBlogUsing Mixtral, Milvus and OctoAI to build RAG apps
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Using Mixtral, Milvus and OctoAI to build RAG apps

Feb 21, 20249 minutes

Building RAG Apps Without OpenAI — Part Two

This is a continuation from the series “Building RAG without OpenAI”, see Building RAG without OpenAI Part 1.

In this tutorial, we cover how to build RAG with Milvus, Mixtral hosted through OctoAI, and LangChain. Particularly we’ll share just the tip of the iceberg of the Mixtral numerous advantages in this tutorial: its multilingual capabilities.

Find the notebook on GitHub.

MMO(L) open source RAG tech stack

There are many ways to build RAG apps, and in my last market survey, I found over 50 different tools in the LLM stack. In this example we focus on four of them: Mixtral as the LLM, Milvus as the vector database, OctoAI to serve the LLM and embedding model, and LangChain as our orchestrator. Before we dive into the architecture, let’s learn a bit about the tools involved.


Mixtral 8x7B, or just “Mixtral” for short, is the latest model released by pioneering French AI startup Mistral. Launched in December 2023 (with the paper coming out in January 2024), it represents a significant extension of the prior foundational large language model, Mistral 7B. Mixtral is an 8x7B Sparse Mixture of Experts (SMoE) language model with more substantial capabilities than the original Mistral 7B. It’s larger, using 13B active parameters during inference out of 47B parameters, and supports multiple languages, code, and 32k context window. As of early 2024 Mixtral is the top scoring open source model on LLM leaderboards.


The crux of our RAG app memory is the vector database. Milvus is a highly scalable vector database aimed at enterprise applications. Its inherent distributed system structure allows seamless scaling as you approach true production levels of vectors. Along with this, Milvus also provides other enterprise features like multi-tenancy, role based access control, and high availability.


OctoAI provides infrastructure to run LLM models at production scale. OctoAI make it easy for AI developers to integrate OctoAI’s hosted models which offer a selection of powerful open source models including Mixtral and community finetunes like Nous Hermes. About 9 out of 10 new OctoAI sign ups start with Mixtral as their LLM model of choice, and today Mixtral on OctoAI generates billions of tokens for customers every day. In this tutorial we’ll substitute GPT for the highly popular Mixtral model.


LangChain is arguably the most popular LLM App framework on the market. LangChain includes integrations with almost every tool you can imagine. While there are many ways you can use it, in this example, we use it to connect everything together. We load Milvus and the OctoAI endpoint through LangChain and then use it to “chain” everything together.

The RAG app architecture

Each RAG app has four critical components: the LLM, the vector database, the embedding model, and the orchestrator. Underneath all of that sits the infrastructure layer. In this setup, we are using Mixtral as the LLM, Milvus as the vector database, GTE Large as the embedding model, LangChain as the orchestrator, and OctoAI as the infrastructure layer that serves GTE Large and Mixtral.

Setup your RAG tools

Let’s start by setting up our RAG tools. In this section, we set up our inference endpoints for the LLM and embeddings, and spin up our vector database. Let’s start by installing the prerequisites. We need pymilvus and milvus to work with Milvus. We need langchain, sentence-transformers, and tiktoken to use the LangChain functionality for this example. Finally, we also need octoai-sdk to interface with OctoAI’s embedding and text completion APIs.

We use this first block of code to load most of our necessary imports from LangChain including the Milvus and OctoAI imports. We also load in the LLMChain module which allows us to chain functions together and the PromptTemplate module which we use to pass prompts to our LLMs. We also need to load our environment variables into memory. There are many ways to do this, but for this example, we use load_dotenv from the python-dotenv library.


The next step is to initialize our LLM access. OctoAI lets us easily access hosted models and customize them to our use case. We use OctoAIEndpoint from LangChain and pass the endpoint (shown in the code) to access a model. We also pass in the required LLM parameters. For this example, it’s the model name, the max number of tokens (how long the output prompt is), as well as other parameters to tell the model what you need it to do (e.g. system prompt) and how creative to be with the output (“presence_penalty”, “temperature”, “top_p”). For the embeddings, we just pass the OctoAI endpoint url. By default it will be using GTE Large. Over time, more embedding models will be added on OctoAI.


The last piece of this is the vector database. We use Milvus Lite as our vector database. Import default_server from Milvus, and then call the start() function to start the server.

Select and load your data

With everything set up, it’s time to load our data. For this example, you can find the data in the GitHub Repo. If you would like to get the data yourself, it is simply scraped from Wikipedia. Once we have our data in hand, it is time to load it into a vector database. We use LangChain and Milvus for this task.

The two imports we need from LangChain to load up these documents are a text splitter — CharacterTextSplitter in this case — and Document. Now, we can load the entire directory of data as a list of “Documents”, a LangChain abstraction. For this example, we’re loading in a directory titled “data”. We also create an empty list to hold our list of Documents.

Next, we loop through each of the files in the directory. We read in the file, and use a text splitter to chunk the text. For this example we use a chunk size of 512 and a chunk overlap of 64. These were chosen simply because they tend to make sense usually, feel free to adjust these as you’d like to see how results may differ.

Once we chunk the text, we store it as a document with some metadata. The metadata that we keep with the text is the title of the document and the chunk number to let us know where in the document the chunk is.


With the Documents ready, it’s time to insert them into the vector database. We use LangChain’s Milvus integration and call the from_documents function. Pass in the documents, the embedding model, the connection arguments for the Milvus Lite instance, and a name for the collections. We simply call the as_retriever() method to drop an LLM on top and start working with Milvus as our vector database for this basic RAG example.


Query your data with OctoAI and Mixtral

Everything is ready. We can now use LangChain to orchestrate the retrieval piece of our puzzle. We start by giving LangChain a template. We need to pass two variables through to the prompt template — the context that we retrieve and the question we want to ask. We can treat the template string just like an f-string and then pass it to the from_template function from PromptTemplate.

After the template, we set up the “chain” part. We need the RunnablePassthrough module to pass context around and the StrOutputParser to parse output. Then, we set up the chain. First we tell LangChain where to get the context and question, then we pipe those to the prompt, which gets piped to the LLM, which finally gets piped to the string output parser to parse. To ask a question, we simply invoke the chain.


For the example of “How big is the city of Seattle”, we can see an expected output below. The response is accurate and backed by the wikipedia information we’ve stored in the vector database.

Output from Mixtral LLM backed by GTE-Large embedding model for accuracy for the question, "How big is the city of Seattle?"

Leveraging Mixtral's multilingual capabilities through OctoAI

LLM meme using Pulp Fiction characters saying, "they don't even call it an LLM in Paris, it's just le big model."

Since we’re using Mixtral, let’s leverage some unique capabilities, such as the multilingual expertise. The nice thing about using OctoAI is that we can leverage the same endpoint with a different instruction to do different things. In this case, we’ll tell the model that it should answer in French and not English.


We also use a slightly modified template to ask Mixtral to answer in French. The prompt has to be remade from the new template, and the chain has to be remade from the new prompt, template, and LLM. The chain can be invoked in the same way. We ask the same question in English and expect to get a response back in French.


The response should look something like the image below.

Output from Mixtral in french language answering the question, "How big is the city of Seattle?"

Summary of the RAG tutorial

In this tutorial we explored another way to build RAG without OpenAI. In part 1, we used Symbl.AI as the LLM, in this one, we used Mixtral by Mistral hosted by OctoAI. The other pieces of the RAG framework we used are Milvus as the vector database, LangChain as the orchestrator, and GTE-Large, also hosted by OctoAI, as the embedding model.

We set up our RAG tools, and load up some Wikipedia as our example data. Then, we use LangChain to read the data into Milvus and layer “le big model” on top. At the end, we also took the time to explore one of Mixtral’s unique capabilities — the ability to work in multiple languages. For this example, we used French. Next time, we’ll explore some other languages as well!